Friday, July 8, 2011

Kota Kinabalu - part 2

Woke up to another beautiful morning V(^^)V
and we set off early to the jetty!

The boat counters and inside the terminal.... after making all the payment then its time to was exciting!

The boat ride was a nice ones.....a little bit like on a roller coster nephews had fun!

The sky was blue...the sun was shining....the water was was a fine morning for a picnic and a scuba ..... it seems even the weather was with us through out this trip....yokatta!

After about 20 minutes boat ride, we reached the first island.....Manukan, I think it was the biggest island among the three.......after making arrangement for the boat to come and pick us up at 1 pm....we stepped off to the was awesome....the water was bluish/greenish....u can actually see the fishes!
A few snaps for memories (^0^)

See.....the water was sooooo clear that you can even see the ET was actually my nephew!

After changing to our swimwear clothing....suddenly there soooo many turtles hahahaha.....well once you wear the googles....everybody looks like a Ninja Turtle, don't they??!!

Its beautiful right?!....we were so fortunate that the weather was so nice that day.

Special pose from Angah!
And now its time to bury someone in the sand...hahahaha......

The sunset.

Look....fishes on land!!!!!

A very fine day of outing indeed (^-^)